Our Facility


Our facility was custom designed to maximize one of the most powerful tools used by occupational therapists: PLAY! At Giant Leaps, we couple the unique interests and imagination of the child with knowledge of neural science and sensory integration theory to create the “just right” challenge. In this highly motivating and safe environment, children work to develop motor, social, and cognitive skills as well as self-confidence.

The therapy gym is matted wall to wall, and is equipped to provide a variety of movement experiences well suited for infants and children of all ages. A wide array of swings, balls, climbing equipment, and targets facilitate the work and play.

Our double-layer Lycra hammock is one of our most requested swings. As children pull themselves up and down and push and pull on the fabric, they activate their muscles and joints, gaining body and spatial awareness.

The alphanumeric climbing wall provides opportunities for motor planning and upper body strengthening. Activities featuring common grade level vocabulary words reinforce reading skills and enhance handwriting activities. Children often “deliver” messages to their friends in mailboxes affixed above the wall. Receiving mail is an incentive to “reach the top” of our climbing wall!

Little bodies get a full workout going down our custom scooter board/tire tunnel ramp. While enjoying one of the most popular activities in the gym, children are unconsciously being guided towards better vestibular processing and motor planning skills!

Fire up your imagination and become a FROG! The key to this dynamic activity is to keep all four “legs” jumping. Whether children choose to bounce with the Bumble Bee or Racecar motif, our “leaping-frog” swing helps to build motor planning skills and postural stability.

Our fine motor area is just a step away from all the gross motor activity so achildren can easily incorporate their imaginative play into writing, drawing, crafts or activities of daily living that much easier. Continuing the thematic play eases the challenge of activities that require high levels of fine motor, visual motor and sensory discrimination skills. The children are READY to engage in seated tasks after having opportunities to modulate their levels of alertness.



Designed with care to visually interest, but not overly stimulate, our waiting room is an inviting oasis for children. Several construction toys, puppets, puzzles, books, and drawing materials are available for siblings of all ages to enjoy. A tent is accessible to children who desire a quiet, enclosed space or choose to engage in imaginative play.

We also have a lending library available for parents with books, videos, DVDs and audiotapes on various topics related to children with special needs. A variety of therapeutic supply catalogues and SI Focus are also available.