Social Skills Training

Many children with learning or motor delays also have trouble developing the social sensitivity necessary to forming and sustaining relationships with peers. We have created a social skills group at Giant Leaps to address this need, the HIGH JUMPERS!

In a small group setting, our High Jumpers learn and practice the essential elements of friendship. A variety of themes, such as "Winning and Losing," "Listening to Others", and "What am I Feeling?" are explored in the context of engaging play activities and crafts. Children learn how to identify feelings in themselves and others and how to talk through the conflicts and miscommunications that arise in their play.

Drawing upon their training in psychosocial development, two of our occupational therapists facilitate our social skills groups. Our groups are kept small to allow for adequate attention to individual as well as group needs. Parents are an essential element to our groups' successes. After receiving written and oral details about the week's mission, parents practice the work of the group at home during family and friend interactions.